I samarbejde med Science & Cocktails præsenterer vi en aften, hvor de mørkeste sider af menneskeheden fremhæves, studeres og diskuteres. Turen ned i dybet guides af Alexander Hinton, forfatter til “Perpetrators: Encountering Humanity’s Dark Side” og professor i antropologi ved Rutgers University. Aftenen starter lyst og lækkert ud med undergrundsjazz, hiphop og neo-soul af Tigeroak. Og som altid sælges der cocktails i baren.
Science & Cocktails invites all beings from planet Earth and outer space to an episode in which the darkest sides of humanity are highlighted, studied, and discussed. The root of human evil and extreme destructiveness come to light with Alexander Hinton, author of “Perpetrators: Encountering Humanity’s Dark Side” and Professor of Anthropology at Rutgers University as well as director of the center for the study of genocide and human rights. Before guiding us through some of the darkest events in human history, Tigeroak nominated as “most innovative concert experience of the year” will play underground jazz, hip-hop and neo-soul.
What is the dark side of humanity? Is it true that only evil people commit evil acts? What are the causes of mass human destructiveness? Why do people commit evil acts? Is evil a part of human nature or linked to the human condition – or both? What can be done to prevent the excesses of the dark side of humanity?
Evil deeds are done by evil people. Evidence of this seeming truism appears everywhere. History books teach us about despots like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mao. Every day, the media reports on the excesses of extremism and the ravages of war. Indeed, evil would seem to be most clearly revealed in such extremes of human destructiveness, especially genocide. As an example, Professor Alex Hinton will tell the story of his courtroom face-off with Pol Pot’s right-hand man at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal; and cover a wide range of cases where evil appears to be lurking.
Drawing on decades of research on this issue, including interviews with former guards, executioners, and torturers, Professor Alex Hinton’s talk will explore this dark side of humanity and whether there is more to the story about the nature of human evil.